Thursday, November 5, 2009

Baby Maive

On October 23rd around 7am I was waking towards the bathroom when all of a sudden a gush of liquid ran all the way down my leg. A little later I went to Mike and said "I'm pretty sure my water just broke." "Are you serious?" he replied "Do I have time to take a shower?" LOL. Ya, he did. The day before had been my doctor appointment and he said I was fully effaced and 3 cm dialated. The whole morning started off really good. We took our time and got to the hospital around 8. The waiting room in Labor and Delivery was full but I went straight to a room because my water had broke :D I made it to 5 cm and the contractions were soooooo painful. My doctor came in and convinced me to get an epidural. He's such a great Doctor! The rest of the experience was like watching a reality baby show. I could feel when I was having a contraction so I knew to push but it was all pain free. :D The pushing didnt take long at all, maybe 5 min? It was an amazing experience. Maive Adaline Miesner was born around 4:26pm, weighted 7lbs 10oz and was 19.5 inches long. The staff ooohed and aaahed over her the whole time we were in the hospital. She is so pretty, has an amazing sucking reflex and has scored perfect on all the tests they did on her. She even sleeps really well, 2hrs solid between feedings. I am soo blessed to have such a great baby and amazing husband. He was such a great support through the whole day.

Before picture/ After I got the epidural/

Welcome to the world, Maive!

Mike cutting the cord! Proud Parents

Joel, Mom and Sam. Mike is a Natural.

The whole Family made it!

Going Home!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Kitty Cat and Carpet

Well, the house is coming along nicely. We finally have carpet in. Mark was great enough to come over multiple days and install the carpet. Don't you just love his get up? He's posing with the tape measure. Mike helped him put it in. Mark is especially proud of the stairs. They don't go all the way up because the attic is unfinished. Mike has been putting so much work into this house. I'm so lucky. He's made a simple house into a palace.

We stayed up in the attic for a while as we worked on the house. Funny little set up, huh? After Sadie got killed Mike got me a kitten. I couldn't believe it when we went to go pick her up. I never thought he would agree to have a cat let alone get me one. She doesn't really have a name, we call her Kat, Kitty or Tinker (short for stinker). She's a way cool cat. I love having her around. You can see my stomach in one of the pictures, it doesn't even look like it's part of me. Baby Maive should be here in a couple of days. I think that is the name we have agreed on, but it's not set in stone. :D

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Pregnancy Update

So far this pregnancy has gone very well. I didn't get too sick during the first trimester. Just threw up once in a while. And no normal smells became revolting. The second trimester was great. I had a cute little bump and people could tell just by looking that I was pregnant rather than wondering and hopefully not just thinking I had a issue with food. But it went by way too quickly. The third trimester has been the hardest I would say. Although I haven't had any cravings, its harder to move around. I like it when people tell me I look too small to be 8 mo along, but I still feel big. Especially when I look in the mirror. This last month is going to creep by and I'm begining to think about what a huge, life changing experience this is going to be. It's like opening a new chapter in my life. In 4 weeks I'm going to be "Mommy".
I had a doctors appointment today and she said that the baby is head down, facing back and the perfect size, which makes me happy. I have been experiencing Brackston Hicks Contractions where my stomach will become so tight its like a drum if you tap on it. It doesn't hurt, just a lot of pressure. All in preperation for the big day!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Nauvoo, Illinois

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009, what an amazing day at the temple! Mom and Joel got sealed for time and all eternity and then right after Mitch and Mike got sealed to them. It was a great experience. Before the session had started Christa and I heard from a little temple working bird that L. Tom Perry was there with a bunch of Mission Presidents going through a session. After Mom went back in to change the mission presidents started coming out. We thought, if we wait we might see L. Tom Perry! I saw him walk out the door and he stood there holding the door open for people. Then Mom and Joel came out the other doors and walked over to him. We all thought, this is our chance and we all flocked up there to meet him. I was amazed by how tall he was. Then we all got to take a picture with him. What a cool day!

Saint Louis

Mitch came to Missouri Friday and hung out all weekend. Monday we headed up to Saint Louis, Mo to pick up Christa. We all stayed at the Hamilton hotel. It was beautiful. They had converted a bank into a hotel. Tuesday morning we went to the Saint Louis Arch! and got to got up to the top. At the bottom everyone loads into these pod looking carts that fit 5 people, very snugly. The carts are connected like a catapillar and climb vertically to almost the top. There you get out and climb up a flight of stairs to the top deck. The arch is V shaped on the bottom so when you look out the window you actually are leaning out. It was a really cool view. Then we headed off to Nauvoo for Mom and Joel's wedding.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Coyotes Attack

Every night the dogs seem to bark, warning us that the coyotes are near. They keep coming closer and closer to Mom's house. Last night we went out with our guns and a dim flashlight (it didn't work too well). We could see Bo (Mom's dog) running around and 3 sets of eyes, but no Sadie. Mike said he needed a bigger gun and ran back to the house. He came back and took aim. We couldn't see it very well because of the bad flashlight but Mike took a shot. Then Mom and Mike went out on the 4 wheeler to look for Sadie. They didn't find her but they found the coyote Mike killed. What an amazing shot! I wish it ended happy but Mom found Sadie this morning. The coyotes had killed her. She will be dearly missed. She was the perfect dog. See you in heaven Sadie, we miss you.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Well, I'm now in the third trimester of this pregnancy. She's got her feet up in my ribs and it gets harder to sleep every night. I want her out so I can breath again, but I'm not sure I'm ready to take on a newborn. She's easier to take care of when she's in me rather than out.

The house is coming along nicely. We are trying to get the kitchen, utility room and bathroom finished so that we can move in and be able to work on it while living there. It's hard to work on it now because we are staying at Mike's mom's house which is an hour and 1/2 away. The garage is finished (you can see we already have stuff in it) and trying to get the tile down in those 3 rooms. Brother Lee came by and helped us out with the tile. Mike's got the whole kitchen tiled now.

And Mike finally went to the dentist yesterday! Poor guy. He had 2 major cavities filled and got 7 or 8 shots to get the job done. And to top it off it took the dentist 3 hours to get it done. His mouth hurt a lot after that. They still hurt today. My poor baby...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Harrisonville Baby Shower

It took a while for me to post about it but the Baby Shower in Harrisonville was a Blast! We didn't end up swimming because the day wasn't hot enough and the water was too cold. But a lot of people came, we had yummy snacks and an amazing cake! Thank you to everyone that came and I did update the list. :c)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I finally got some pictures of the house. This is the front and the back of the house. Mike likes stone homes. The back is siding because it is an addition to the house.

Mike has done so much to the house. I feel like he's taken it from a first time home and turned it into a palace. In the pictures is shows the vaulted celing he put in, the new stairs (the old ones were skinny and steep), and the new kitchen! He added in the window/eating bar between the kitchen and the dinning room. He took down all the walls and put in insulation (there was none) and he is sheetrocking it all now. He made the master bedroom bigger, added a walk in closet and made a closet for the second bedroom. He is putting tile in the kitchen, utility room and bathroom. It's going to look amazing!

And this is the new garage! We have a lot of our stuff stored at a members home and as soon as we finish this we can get out of their way. Mike is most excited about this addition to the house. The tresses were the hardest part so far. I helped Mike put them up. And we got a great deal off craigslist for a 16ft garage door!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Stockton Shower

Tonight was the shower in Stockton. It was so much fun. A lot of ladies came and made the party a blast. One of the games we played was where everybody was given a bag of candy and you couldn't say the word "baby". If you did the person who called you out on it got to take one of your candies. Thank you to all for coming!

I did update the list and took off the stuff that I got at this shower.

Friday, July 10, 2009

On the 4th of July Joel Moreau proposed to Elizabeth Davis (Mike's Mom)! They are getting married on September 15th in the Nauvoo Temple. Their reception is on the 17th at the Stockton Church Building.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Baby Showers All Over Missouri

There are a total of three Baby showers that will be occurring. Which ever area you are in you are welcome to attend!
I put a list up of items we are in need of. Gently used items from previous children you have had are welcome and greatly appreciated.

We haven't made up the invitations yet but Kristina (a very good friend) is hosting a shower in Springfield, Mo. It hopefully will be at my new house if we can get it finished soon. Mike is working very hard on it.

My Mother-in-law is throwing a shower at her home in Stockton, Mo. We will have cake, punch, some games and a good ole time.

My Mom is throwing a shower in Harrisonville, Mo (where I grew up). We decided to make it a pool party! Healthy snacks (and some not to healthy), flavored water bottles and a bunch of women soakin in the pool and talkin it up. Don't be embarrassed about wearing a swim suit, just throw on some clothes you don't mind getting wet and come join the fun. Don't forget your floatie.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

First Ultrasound

Today was our first Ultrasound! It was really exciting to see the little baby in my tummy. It turns out that its a GIRL! The first picture is her profile, the next is her looking at you, and the third in proof that she's a girl! YA! We are having a GIRL!