Sunday, August 23, 2009

Well, I'm now in the third trimester of this pregnancy. She's got her feet up in my ribs and it gets harder to sleep every night. I want her out so I can breath again, but I'm not sure I'm ready to take on a newborn. She's easier to take care of when she's in me rather than out.

The house is coming along nicely. We are trying to get the kitchen, utility room and bathroom finished so that we can move in and be able to work on it while living there. It's hard to work on it now because we are staying at Mike's mom's house which is an hour and 1/2 away. The garage is finished (you can see we already have stuff in it) and trying to get the tile down in those 3 rooms. Brother Lee came by and helped us out with the tile. Mike's got the whole kitchen tiled now.

And Mike finally went to the dentist yesterday! Poor guy. He had 2 major cavities filled and got 7 or 8 shots to get the job done. And to top it off it took the dentist 3 hours to get it done. His mouth hurt a lot after that. They still hurt today. My poor baby...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Harrisonville Baby Shower

It took a while for me to post about it but the Baby Shower in Harrisonville was a Blast! We didn't end up swimming because the day wasn't hot enough and the water was too cold. But a lot of people came, we had yummy snacks and an amazing cake! Thank you to everyone that came and I did update the list. :c)